1. ‘FlowingData’ by Nathan Yau. This year was a weird one. It seemed like every day there was something to be mad or sad about, and it all happened at such a fast pace. This carried over to the news and the type of visualization work we saw this year. Graphics from the major media orgs were less big and more deadline-heavy. Everything had to work on mobile, which carries with it screen limitations and depth limitations. Here are my ten favorite data visualization projects of the year.

    ‘FlowingData’ explores how statisticians, designers, data scientists, and others use analysis, visualization, and exploration to understand data and ourselves.

    'FlowingData' Best-of


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  2. 'The Guardian' Visual Journalism. We show, we don’t tell. Graphics, maps, photo and data for ‘The Guardian’. The best of the Guardian's interactives and graphics from 2017.

    A thread of our biggest projects of the year.

    'The Guardian' Visuals
    'The Guardian' The best of


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  3. ‘The New York Times’. Selected graphics, visualizations and multimedia stories from 2017. A list of some of our favorites.

    The New York Times Graphics Department makes all kinds of stunning visual features, breaking news, motion graphics, video stories and viortual reality, data visualization, data-driven articles and longform stories.

    'The New York Times' Interactive


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  4. Rollin Publications. ‘Ebdo’, votre futur journal d'information, sans pub, indépendant et inspirant. Ce sera un journal qui s'en tient aux faits, et qui traite de l’essentiel. Un journal qui n'impose pas d'opinions, à l’écoute de ses lecteurs et dans lequel ils pourront avoir confiance.

    Un journal accessible avec de la BD, des photos, des cartes mais aussi des enquêtes exclusives et des reportages. Un journal papier pour déconnecter chaque fin de semaine. ‘Ebdo’, le nouvel hebdomadaire par l'équipe des revues ‘XXI’ et ‘6Mois’.



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  5. ‘The Washington Post’. The year in must-see visual stories. Throughout a year of tumult and transformation, and so much news, the Post’s graphics team had a single goal: Help readers make sense of it all.

    'The Washington Post' journalism  has covered the substance and style of President Trump’s first year, disasters manmade and natural, scientific advances and a celestial light show, cultural sensations and practical applications. Here’s what we’ve been doing this year.

    'The Washington Post' Graphics
    WP Graphics


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  6. ‘South China Morning Post’ top stories of the year. As we greet the New Year and wave goodbye to 2017 we would like to refresh our readers’ memories of the diverse stories the graphics team tackled. We look forward to evolving and developing in the year ahead, but in the meantime here is a selection of our favourite online features sorted by date.

    ‘South China Morning Post’ is Hong Kong’s premier English language newspaper and has the city’s most affluent and influential readership. 

    SCMP Multimedia - Infographics
    SCMP Topic Infographics


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  7. Ética y estética en la creación de infografías por Jaime Serra. Ponencia para la Fundación para un Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano Gabriel García Márquez sobre ética en el ejercicio de la infografía periodística.

    Como periodista, Jaime Serra ha dirigido o asesorado a algunos de los principales medios de Europa y América Latina. Su trabajo ha sido reconocido con numerosos premios Malofiej, SND y SPD. El año 2012 fue reconocido por la Society for News Design, como el infografista más influyente del mundo en el periodo 1992/2012.

    'No Hay Estética Sin Ética' Jaime Serra
    FNPI Seminario Web
    'Archivos' Jaime Serra

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  8. Apple iMac Pro. Pros love ‘iMac’. So we created one just for you. It’s packed with the most powerful graphics and processors ever in a ‘Mac’, along with the most advanced storage, memory, and I/O - all behind a breathtaking Retina 5K display in a sleek, all-in-one design.

    For everyone from photographers to video editors to 3D animators to musicians to software developers to scientists, ‘Apple iMac Pro’ is ready to turn your biggest ideas into your greatest work.

    Apple iMac Pro
    Apple Newsroom


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  9. On 15 January. Kath Viner, editor-in-chief (2017 Guardian News & Media) ‘The Guardian’ editor Katharine Viner has said the newspaper will print in tabloid size from 15 January, dropping its existing Berliner proportions. She said while there would be a few ‘surprises’ the Guardian would be largely the same in the new, smaller format.

    The cost-savings are all in production and printing processes rather than the journalism. So maybe it’s more explanatory, maybe it’s more ‘keepable’, maybe it’s more ‘visual-beautiful’.

    BBC Radio 4 - Katharine Viner
    'The Guardian' Katharine Viner


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  10. ‘France Football’. Le 5e sacre de Cristiano Ronaldo, Ballon d'Or France Football 2017, fait la une (exceptionnelle) de ‘France Football’. Au travers de sa nouvelle formule, lancée en mars, ‘France Football’ se veut plus ludique, avec une couverture évolutive selon la dominante de la photo.

    ‘France Football’ se refait une beauté. Le magazine du Ballon d'Or se réinvente au travers d'une formule inédite. Hebdomadaire de référence depuis 1946, ‘France Football’ fait ici un joli clin d'oeil à ses anciens formats, notamment à ceux des années 1980 et 90.

    Nouveau ‘France Football’ 
    Amaury Media

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