1. Ilustração Anyforms para a ‘National Geographic Portugal’. A edição de Janeiro da ‘Revista National Geographic Portugal’, da RBA Revistas, apresenta o artigo ‘A Era das Bicicletas’, que inclui a ilustração ‘O Efeito-Gira em Lisboa’, um trabalho com infografia e design da agência de design de comunicação portuguesa Anyforms.

    ‘A Era das Bicicletas’ é a visualização de um estudo de mobilidade que documenta o impacte do projecto de bicicletas partilhadas na cidade.



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  2. SPD 55 Competition call for entries. The SPD Awards recognize and promote the best in editorial design, photography and illustration in print and digital mediums. Entries from a diverse range of consumer print publications, independent magazines, custom published magazines, trade and educational magazines, as well as their apps, mobile and web platforms.

    The Society of Publication Designers is dedicated to promoting and encouraging excellence in editorial design in both print publications and digital platforms. 




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  3. Coverjunkie Most Creative Cover Designs of 2019. Congrats to ‘GQ Portugal​’ and creative director ace José Santana with their #2 spot in the poll Coverjunkie Most Creative Cover Designs of 2019. Print is the future of online.

    ’Coverjunkie​’ is the place for cover lovers, highlights for all creatives and mag lovers. It's about covers that reflect our visual culture.




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  4. ‘South China Morning Post‘ 2019 Review. The best of SCMP's visual journalism from 2019. Brush up on a year with SCMP’s award-winning infographics team. 2019 provided the graphics team with a broad canvas. We tackled hot topics.

    ‘South China Morning Post‘ is Hong Kong’s premier English language newspaper and has the city’s most affluent and influential readership.



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  5. FlowingData. Best data visualization projects of the year. Visualization is a relatively new field, but we seem to be developing an understanding of what it is and what it can be used for. This year, we refined existing methods. With less emphasis on novelty of visual forms, we focused more on what we wanted to communicate. I'm looking forward to what the next decade brings. As I do every year, I picked my ten favorite visualization projects.

    ‘FlowingData’, by Nathan Yau, explores how statisticians, designers and data scientists use analysis, visualization, and exploration to understand data and ourselves.



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  6. ‘The Economist’. You’ve seen the news, now discover the story. In October 2018, we launched ‘Graphic Detail’, a new print section in ‘The Economist’ dedicated to data journalism. The digital versions of these articles are available at The Economist Online, and in many cases offer a fuller, interactive experience. But these pieces were conceived and designed primarily for the printed page.

    This document is a way of showing our digital readers the analogue origins of our best data journalism this year. ‘The Economist’ provides actionable insights that connect the dots between business, politics, technology and culture.




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  7. Une année noir pour le dessin de presse. Cartooning for Peace et ‘Courrier international’ s’engagent aux côtés des dessinateurs. À retrouver avec ce numéro, notre supplément ‘2019 en Cartoons’, une rétrospective de cette année qui s'achève vue à travers le regard impertinent des dessinateurs.

    ‘Courrier international’ est un hebdomadaire d’actualité. Il donne à lire, chaque semaine, le meilleur de la presse mondiale, traduite en français. Hebdo ‘Courrier International’ du 19 Décembre en kiosque.


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  8. Associate Manager, Graphic Production at ‘National Geographic Magazine’. "Happy to share that I have joined the talented graphics and maps team at the ‘National Geographic Magazine’! It’s amazing to be involved with the other side of the yellow frame".

    Diana Marques has been a visual science communicator for nearly 15 years, working in a variety of scientific subjects and techniques, for museums, publishers, and researchers. She is the Associate Manager of Graphic Production at 'National Geographic Magazine'.




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  9. National Newspaper: ‘Público’. The best newspapers in Europe this year come from Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Great Britain and Germany. A total of 184 newspapers from 25 countries took part in the 21st European Newspaper Award. There were more than 4,000 entries in the 20 categories of the competition. In addition, 286 online projects from 11 countries were submitted to the jury.

    The 17 jury members came from eight countries, they are journalists, scientists and designers. The European Newspaper Award is considered the largest newspaper competition in Europe. 






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  10. The World Illustration Awards 2020. The World Illustration Awards continues the AOI’s tradition of delivering an annual illustration competition, which has run in various forms for over 45 years. WIA2020 is delivered by the Association of Illustrators in partnership with the Directory of Illustration. 2020 are now open for entries. This year, we have a range of benefits for shortlisted illustrators, plus new awards and prizes.

    Established in 1973, the AOI champions illustrators and the illustration industry with education, promotion and campaigning to achieve a thriving industry for us all.



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