Alto da Vigia, Colares
‘Visita Guiada’. O programa de televisão sobre peças da história da arte e da cultura portuguesas ‘Visita Guiada’, de Paula Moura Pinheiro na RTP2, elege o Alto da Vigia para protagonista do episódio 14.
O forno solar do Padre Himalaya
Ilustração Anyforms para a ‘National Geographic Portugal’. Em 1904, na Exposição Universal de Saint-Louis, o inventor português Manuel António Gomes arrecadou o grande prémio pelo concentrador Pyrheliophoro.
O fogo e a arqueologia
Ilustrações Anyforms para a ‘National Geographic Portugal’. Nem tudo é mau num incêndio florestal. Na zona Centro de Portugal, um mundo revela-se.
Juntos na conservação do oceano
‘Oceanário de Lisboa 3D’ para construir com o ‘Expresso’. Em época de regresso às aulas, o semanário ‘Expresso’ oferece actividades para fazer em família com a representação tridimensional em papel ‘Oceanário de Lisboa 3D’ para construir, uma criação da agência Anyforms.
Dobra Papel
Portugal dos Pequenitos. Os visitantes do Portugal dos Pequenitos podem agora construir e coleccionar as casas regionais presentes no parque lúdico-pedagógico em Coimbra.
Pontos de vista ilustres e portefólio
Livro ‘Anyforms - Design, Ilustração, Infografia’. A Anyforms faz chegar às livrarias o livro ‘Anyforms - Design, Ilustração, Infografia’, de Luís Miguel Taklim.
A terceira invasão francesa
Mapa Suplemento ‘As Invasões Francesas - Bussaco, 1810’.
’50 Maravilhas de Portugal’
‘National Geographic Portugal - Edição Especial Viagens’. A ‘Revista National Geographic Portugal’, dirigida por Gonçalo Pereira Rosa, lança uma nova Edição Especial Viagens, um número dedicado às 50 Maravilhas de Portugal.
Secas mais longas e intensas
Ilustração Anyforms para ‘National Geographic Portugal’. A edição de Maio da ‘Revista National Geographic Portugal’, da RBA Revistas, inclui o gráfico ‘Seca Severa e Extrema’, um trabalho da agência Anyforms Design de Comunicação.
Nada muda se não mudarmos
Mapas Expresso ‘Para Uma Mobilidade Sustentável’. O semanário ‘Expresso’ lança os mapas ‘Para Uma Mobilidade Sustentável’, dedicados ao Norte e Centro e ao Sul e Regiões Autónomas - com as principais ciclovias, rotas de caminhada e corridas no país.
La revue ‘XXI’ se réinvente
Dans l’intimité du siècle. La revue trimestrielle ‘XXI - Vingt et Un’ annonce une nouvelle formule. Le prochain numéro arbore une nouvelle maquette, avec une couverture plus épurée.
20 for 2019
’The Guardian Visuals’. A thread of our biggest projects of the year. A thread of twenty of our favourite visual projects from 2019. ’The Guardian Visuals’ explaining the news when words aren't enough.
The best of the interactives and graphics from 2019.
'Dois Pontos'
Nova revista ilustrada para crianças curiosas e criativas. A ‘Dois Pontos’ é a nova revista ilustrada para crianças curiosas e criativas, entre os 7 e os 11anos.
The magazine of the decade
'magCulture'. That magazine is ‘Bloomberg Businessweek’. We love magazines here at magCulture, and that love crosses the useful but often arbitary boundary between indie and mainstream sectors.
The year in visual stories and graphics
'The New York Times'. Our favorite visual stories. Our favorite visual stories from 2019 covered a range of subjects: disasters cities President Trump elections opinion the arts Hong Kong the world U.S. issues the environment space and technology sports.
O efeito-Gira em Lisboa
Ilustração Anyforms para a ‘National Geographic Portugal’.
The next space
SPD 55 Competition call for entries. The SPD Awards recognize and promote the best in editorial design, photography and illustration in print and digital mediums.
#2 Most creative cover
Coverjunkie Most Creative Cover Designs of 2019. Congrats to ‘GQ Portugal’ and creative director ace José Santana with their #2 spot in the poll Coverjunkie Most Creative Cover Designs of 2019. Print is the future of online.
The year in visuals
‘South China Morning Post‘ 2019 Review. The best of SCMP's visual journalism from 2019. Brush up on a year with SCMP’s award-winning infographics team. 2019 provided the graphics team with a broad canvas. We tackled hot topics.
FlowingData. Best data visualization projects of the year. Visualization is a relatively new field, but we seem to be developing an understanding of what it is and what it can be used for. This year, we refined existing methods.
A year in Graphic Detail
‘The Economist’. You’ve seen the news, now discover the story. In October 2018, we launched ‘Graphic Detail’, a new print section in ‘The Economist’ dedicated to data journalism.
‘2019 en Cartoons’
Une année noir pour le dessin de presse. Cartooning for Peace et ‘Courrier international’ s’engagent aux côtés des dessinateurs. À retrouver avec ce numéro, notre supplément ‘2019 en Cartoons’, une rétrospective de cette année qui s'achève vue à travers le regard impertinent des dessinateurs.
Work at NatGeo
Associate Manager, Graphic Production at ‘National Geographic Magazine’. "Happy to share that I have joined the talented graphics and maps team at the ‘National Geographic Magazine’! It’s amazing to be involved with the other side of the yellow frame".
European Newspaper Award
National Newspaper: ‘Público’. The best newspapers in Europe this year come from Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Great Britain and Germany. A total of 184 newspapers from 25 countries took part in the 21st European Newspaper Award.
Be ambitious, be seen, be celebrated!
The World Illustration Awards 2020. The World Illustration Awards continues the AOI’s tradition of delivering an annual illustration competition, which has run in various forms for over 45 years.
Beautiful, bold, brand new look
‘Computer Arts’ unveils dramatic new redesign. The design industry's bible has a new look for its 300th issue. The ‘Computer Arts’ new look is already evident on the cover, which uses a special die-cut technique to frame the issue's main interview, ‘The New York Times’ designer Tracy Ma.
Most creative cover
Vote for your favorite cover design. It’s all about creativity mag peeps. Choose your three most favorite creative covers of the year. 2019 was ace creative. Print is the future of online. ’coverjunkie’ celebrates creative magazine covers and their inspiring designers.
100 Best from around the world
‘The Illustrator’ (2019 Taschen). Illustration’s finest. ‘The Illustrator’ is a global compilation of 100 must-know artists.
Pantone Color of the Year 2020
Classic Blue. Pantone, provider of professional color language standards and digital solutions, today announced Pantone 19-4052 Classic Blue, as the Pantone Color of the Year for 2020; a timeless and enduring hue elegant in its simplicity.
The design history of the NYC subway map
New York’s subway map like you’ve never seen it before. New York City has changed a lot over the past 40 years. But the Metropolitan Transportation Authority subway map, designed in 1979, has largely endured.
Fauve d'Or para ‘Moi, Ce que J’aime, C’est les Monstres’
Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême.
Anyforms Classics #2
Ilustração e Infografia. Portefólio 2001-2014 da agência Anyforms Design de Comunicação.
Competências visíveis na representação gráfica da informação e do conhecimento.
Select range
Agency representing a select award winning international illustrators. Illustration Ltd is an international agency representing an exceptionally broad and diverse range of leading contemporary artists.
'Manual de Infografia de Imprensa'
Joana Moreira (2019 abysmo/Arranha-céus).